Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Best Friends

We all have them....best friends I mean.  At least we usually do, or friends of some sort.  Well, people that we hang with.  You know, buddies.  You go to the movies, have a couple of drinks, tell jokes.  Okay, people you know.  Nod to in the hallway.  Do that thing where you kinda raise your chin up in a little "hey there" motion.  At least there are people you don't ignore entirely.  Just watch it okay?

Monday, February 17, 2014

Dogs are the Best People

Now I don't know about you, but when I put something away I try to find a place that will be 1) memorable, 2) reasonably out of the way, and 3) fitting for the object I'm hiding.  I'm sure you'll agree that this all sounds quite reasonable.  But then I'm not a squirrel.  Squirrels apparently have a different set of criteria.  At least this squirrel does; this squirrel seems to think hiding things with a buddy is best.  Watch for when the squirrel uses his little paws to try to cover the nut with fur.  Oh.  And could the dog be any more fantastic about the whole process? 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Of Course....But Maybe

No doubt, no doubt!  Absolutely, positively!  You can take that to the bank.  You have my word, and my word is my bond.  You can rest assured!  Ain't no going back now.  Swear on the head of every loved one you have.  BBBUUUUTTT as Louie C K explains....