Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Feelin' Fine

l really hate to do this ~ l really do. l mean it borders on cruel. But what can I do? If you're there, flaunt it!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

THAT is decidedly NOT better

Relationships are sometimes difficult.  People need "space."  Or at least this is what I've heard.  I've always wondered what this means.  "Space"  I need my "space."  Well, ya, okay.  I'll give you space.  Right between the eyes.  No, seriously.  You want space?  You can have it, just don't pretend space isn't named Gina, or Rhonda, or something.  Alright, okay, I'm not bitter or anything.  But really, I'm not wrong.  But then I found this, and it really turned me around...gave me some perspective.  Now I get it.  All I have to do is sit in the air vent!  I can do that!


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Are you Hustlin'?

Exams are on, you may have travel plans to get back home, or if this is your home, you may have family coming to town.  In any case you what we call BUSY.  But that is not the question.  The question is: are you Hustlin'? Be careful here.  No one wants to know if you are hustling: no, no.  It's HUSTLIN'  Because if you are Hustlin' you are doing something entirely different.  Watch and learn. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Lebanese

I don't know much about the Lebanese people. I think in general they are a misunderstood folk. It is interesting to me how we really only study those who are our enemy - the Russians of the cold war, the Taliban of Pure Evil, the Iraqi of the WOMD (ya, where were they, BTW?) and so on. I mean, and I've only gone back as far as my life time, and seriously, I only heard about the cold war, don't give me any shit. I wasn't old enough to actually experience it. I mean come on! How freaking old do you think I am? God! I just mentioned it. Geez, don't bloody freak out. Okay, okay. I'm fine. I'm fine. So anyway, what I'm saying is that if we don't know much about the Lebanese we probably haven't been to war with them. This, I'm declaring, is good news. All of this is to introduce the following for your amusement:

Just one more thing about cats...

Not only are cats alien and creepy, I swear to God they are out to get me. I know, I know, you think I'm being paranoid. Well it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you. I found these two talking about me on the sly. Oh sure they tried to look all innocent until the big one spotted me. Looks guilty as hell doesn't he?? Ya, well I've got photographic evidence now! They'll never take me alive! Never! I have all kinds of traps and safety precautions...for example I have trails of catnip leading away from the house...wait, they could lead TO the house too couldn't they....umm....I have to go....!!!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Now in the past I may have given the impression that I don't like cats....that's not exactly true.  I fear them. If you think aliens walk among us I say to you behold the CAT

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Dogs do the strangest things....

What the heck is he looking at???

Funny is My Business

Jerry Seinfeld once said that he loved commercials because they were like really REALLY short movies. Huh. Well I like commercials too, but not for the same reason. And I don't like ALL commercials. I like funny commercials. And they have to be FUNNY. Funny is my business. I research funny, I like to think I know a bit about funny. In fact I fancy myself something of a connoisseur. I present to you "Hump Day"