Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Best Friends

We all have them....best friends I mean.  At least we usually do, or friends of some sort.  Well, people that we hang with.  You know, buddies.  You go to the movies, have a couple of drinks, tell jokes.  Okay, people you know.  Nod to in the hallway.  Do that thing where you kinda raise your chin up in a little "hey there" motion.  At least there are people you don't ignore entirely.  Just watch it okay?

Monday, February 17, 2014

Dogs are the Best People

Now I don't know about you, but when I put something away I try to find a place that will be 1) memorable, 2) reasonably out of the way, and 3) fitting for the object I'm hiding.  I'm sure you'll agree that this all sounds quite reasonable.  But then I'm not a squirrel.  Squirrels apparently have a different set of criteria.  At least this squirrel does; this squirrel seems to think hiding things with a buddy is best.  Watch for when the squirrel uses his little paws to try to cover the nut with fur.  Oh.  And could the dog be any more fantastic about the whole process? 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Of Course....But Maybe

No doubt, no doubt!  Absolutely, positively!  You can take that to the bank.  You have my word, and my word is my bond.  You can rest assured!  Ain't no going back now.  Swear on the head of every loved one you have.  BBBUUUUTTT as Louie C K explains....

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Bath Time!

Dogs like the water, right?  It's cats that don't like to get a bath.  I had a beagle once who LOVED getting a bath.  She'd be waiting in the tub.  You'd get her all soaped up and then turn the water on and she'd sit right down and put her face in the spray.  Ah!  But apparently some dogs do not like this process and will turn on their owners in a most vicious and unfriendly manner.  And it turns out that vicious and unfriendly is hilarious!  Watch.

Motorcycle Mama

Many of you don't know this but I owned a dirt bike as a teenager. Oh yeah.  Rode that baby all over.  I didn't have all the motocross gear or anything, nor did I compete at any level, though I did hit warp speed charging down the (long and wooded) driveway ahead of the police one day.  It's not a particularly good story, nor does it paint me in a particularly good or cool light so I'm not telling it.  And you can't make me.  No, no, you can try, but my lips are sealed.  What I can tell about my experience is that I knew when to let go of both the throttle and the bike.  That's a HELL of a lot more than these guys!

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Power of a Makeover

Sometimes we all can use a little change.  Just something to perk us up a bit.  You never know the effect you have on other people...  There could be someone out there with an eye on you.  Not in a creepy way, really, just you know, checking you out.  Again I don't mean, like, stalking or anything, just friendly, sort of "hey, how you doin'?" kind of a thing.  Not like "get in my van" or something like that.  Um. Okay.  So maybe you might want to just watch the damn video, okay?


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's Contagious!!!!

Laughter is contagious.  You don't need a study or ethnography or an anthropologist staggering out of a deep dark hitherto unknown jungle to tell you that.  Just walk up to a group of laughing people and in mere seconds you'll be laughing too asking them between laughs, "what?....whaaa....?"  Though, don't get me wrong, people have done the studies and gathered the research, so I'm not just pulling this out of my....out of thin air.  I'll let you experience this for yourself.  Allow me to introduce Debra Messing....Enjoy.